Well, as many of you know our son Cavan has had a long battle this month. It started out as a stomach virus on October 1st, but by the 7th he had a ruptured apendex. So, after 6 days in the hospital he was sent home. He never did get better, always batteling a low grade fever. So after 10 days we went back to the Dr, and back to the hospital. He had not one, but 3 abcesses in his gut. We have spent another 5 days in the hospital and gotten a PICC line. But we are home now and he is doing great! We have at least 6 more days of at home IV antibotics which take 2.5 hours a day, but his appitate has come back in full force!
Also we went to my brother, Ian's wedding. What a wonderful time that was. Not only did we go to the beach for the weekend, but we got to spend time with our family from all over the US. My parents were in from Hawaii, my baby broter and his wife and daughter were in from Ohio, Marla and Bill from Arkansas and all my "new" family too.
It was wonderful.